Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Hello, and welcome all to my version of Sex and the City. That is if Carrie was 25, divorced, starting a new job, and had no clue where her life was going. I have always wanted to write and during this time in my life I have decided to take the cards life has handed me and write about them anonymously in hopes of entertaining people with the twists my life is taking. Most events I write about will be true, however I am reserving the right to take a creative license and embellish a little so as to make them more entertaining. And some events may not be what I did but what instead I wish I would have done. Which posts are fact and which are fiction? That will be for you to decide. So here is to a new chapter in life....

1 comment:

Joe said...

I'm really exicited to read your column ms. bradshaw lol. So I will start reading.