Friday, September 4, 2009

Growing Up and Apart

I look forward to this weekend with some excitement and some trepidation. This will be the first Labor Day in years that all my girls haven't been together. We started out as a foursome: myself, Vixen, Giggles, and Conscious. Then we picked up some new ones along the way: Vivi and Blondie. Yes, I am lucky to say I have not one but five best friends. Last year on Labor Day we were all together and cooked out at the house I now share with Vixen. This year I had hoped we would be able to have a repeat of last years fun. But only 3 remain: Vixen, Blondie, and myself. Conscious, Vivi, and Giggles will all be out of town.

We are all growing up and heading on different paths of life. So much has changed in the past year. We are all still friends - just to much going on to get together like we did last year. It's no ones fault. Things change. People change. We all have our own lives. We're still friends don't get me wrong, I'll just miss the six of us being together in fact come to think of it that may be the last time all six of us were together at one time....... What happened to the days of young carefree? Where exactly did they go?

It will still be a fun weekend though. Marine should be home tonight between 8 & 9! I'm so excited 4 nights 3 days. To much to do and never enough time. Tomorrow night I have a Barrel Race and he is going with me. I'm a little nervous (I mean pressures on) and excited all at the same time. Sunday is the cookout at the house and then Monday will hopefully be a relaxing day at the lake or something.

I really like Marine (which I think you all get that by now) I look forward to seeing what the future will hold. But for now I just look forward to a great weekend!

What have you got going on for Labor Day?


THE GUYS said...

Welcome to our world. THE GUYS are spread out all over the country, so we basically just hang out at our BLOG.

Enjoy the last day of the long weekend.


Joe said...

Well you guys can grow up but your real friends you should never grow apart. Got to make time for your friends and real friendships because you only get that once in a lifetime. I still love you blog.

Mrs. Match said...

Awww I miss having good girlfriends. I gotta say though, Match is definitely my best friend. We bought a wii on labor day and played it till our arms were super sore! :-)