Saturday, September 12, 2009

Labor Day Weekend Recap

Friday night Marine got to the house about 9:30. Before the arrival of Marine and VB, Vixen and I had been rocking out to some SingStar. Hadn't played it in awhile and with some spare time on our hands it was great. Since I knew Marine would be arriving late I had stopped by the movie store on the way home and checked out a movie. I had been on the phone with Marine when Marine1 in the background suggest we watch Last House On The Left. Now I should have known better than to take movie recommendations from Marine1 but it was Friday at 6:00 p.m. and the choices were slim. So reluctantly I hand over my money and leave with movie in hand. WORSE MOVIE EVER!!! In my opinion at least. I did not like it one bit!!

Saturday Marine woke early and left to go fishing with his Grandpa. Vixen and I headed in the opposite direction as we attended Hollywood's little boy's birthday party. It was the official welcome of the terrible two's. A year that I'm sure she hopes won't live up to the horror stories. His love for Cars, a movie he wants on repeat 24/7 was the party theme.

After the party I returned to the barn to feed horses and get my things ready for the horse show that evening. I had finished up with everything and was sitting in a rocking chair waiting for time to leave. I rocked enjoying the moment of peace. Marine walked thru the door and my heart skipped a beat as he greeted me with a smile. He slid into the chair next to me and reached over and took my hand as he told me about his afternoon and then asked about mine.

He helped me get the horses ready then the two of us along with mom headed to the horse show. We got there and he walked with me as I did the routine I did every weekend. It was weird yet nice to have him accompanying me as I went to sign up, unloaded the horses and proceeded to get everything ready. Most people would have gotten in my way, messed with my routine. But he didn't he was actually a big help and it made me appreciate the fact that he actually knew about horses. We had brought along a horse for him to ride and we sat atop our horses side by side and watched the show, waiting on my turn to run. I had so much fun and he seemed to as well. It was great having someone I could share this special part of my life. Horses are my passion and they have taken a backseat before when I have been in a relationship but I can tell this time is different. Its like having the best of both worlds. I can race and have the relationship. And he was so supportive! I had a good night. Placed 3rd in one event and 5th in the other.

We didn't get back to the barn and get the horses unloaded and put up till nearly 2 a.m. We were both tired yet we stopped at Wal-Mart on the way home. A cookout was planned for Sunday afternoon at the house and Marine wanted to go ahead and pick up steaks so we could let them marinade overnight. Yeah this put us at the house about 3:30. We were sweaty, dirty and exhausted!! But a shower was definitely a necessity before going to bed.

Now I have a funny story. It involves a mouse, a flip flop and screaming. But this is a recap so you'll get that story a wee bit later.

Sunday morning, with very little sleep, we get up and head to church. After church its off to lunch with Marine's Dad. Then to the feed store where we pick up horse feed for his horse and take it to his mom's and unload it in the barn. That left of with just enough time to hurry back to the house and change clothes before everyone started arriving for the cookout.

It was a fun day. The cookout went well. Great food, great friends, fun times. It was still different from last year and I missed my friends that were unable to make it. But maybe next year.

Monday we again awoke early..... well cause let's face it - Marine is only home for a short amount of time and there is always alot to try and fit into that time frame. We headed to his Mom's where we ate brunch with his mom, stepdad and stepbrother. It went good as it always does. Then Marine and I gave his three horses each a bath before grabbing fishing poles and going to meet his Grandpa to go fishing.

At first I was hesitant on the whole fishing trip idea. I know that is something he and his Grandpa usually try to do while he is home. It's their time spent together. I didn't want to intrude. But I am told I am welcome to come by both parties so with a smile I agree to go. I had so much fun! I had already met his Grandpa once before and knew I liked him but after the fishing trip I knew that my first impression had been correct.

Now as far as the fishing went I did catch a few trout, which was good. But I also caught something quite unexpected..... a rather large crawdad. Not one but three! So yeah I was pretty much at least able to give Marine and his Grandpa a good laugh because apparently they fish at this spot all the time and have never caught a crawdad. Yeah I'm just special like that. :)

After fishing we meet up with his parents and his little sister and go out to eat Mexican.

Yes it seems the only thing we did the entire weekend was eat!

Tuesday morning I awoke and got ready for work. Marine packed his bags, he would be leaving shortly to head back to base. As we left the house I hugged him. Not wanting to let go. I would see him again before he left but still this was the private goodbye, just the two of us.

I arrived at work hungry. I had been to busy to eat breakfast. I sat at my desk, I was the only one in the office when the door opens and in comes Marine with a Chick-fil-a bag. With a smile he places it and a Dr. Pepper on my desk, "I know you didn't eat before we left the house...."

Seriously how sweet is that?! He is so considerate, so thoughtful, and just so wonderful! I really never believed guys like him actually existed.

I met him for lunch and then after that he left for base. It was a great weekend. Of course the time passed to fast. But it's ok, I'll see him next weekend when I go up there for my birthday.

I know this is a half ass post. I'll admit the weekend was so much more fun than this recap does justice. In all honesty I'm tired. I have been going way to much, with way to little sleep. Just seems there are never enough hours in the day!

I do promise my next post will be much more entertaining as I tell you a story from the weekend that I will just refer to as Mouse Trap.........


Jenn said...

sounds like your holiday weekend was a great one :) you have me wondering about what the mouse story is all about! have a great rest of the weekend

Date Girl said...

I feel the same way-when the weekend is wonderful, my recaps are terrible, lol. But that's fine, that means you had fun. How cool to get to go on that fishing trip with Marine!