Saturday, October 11, 2008


It is a beautiful day outside! The sun is shining, the temperature is perfect; not to hot, not to cold. And instead of being out enjoying this oh so beautiful day I am stuck at my desk staring longingly out the window and the people passing by. But it's Saturday you ask, why am I at work? Well this weekend and next there is a big fall festival and for those two weeks my small town is crowded with out-of-towners. Therefor the boss thought the office should be open. Have I seen anyone in the 3 hours I have been here? Nope. Oh well. I get to leave at 2 and lets face it I need the money so I accepted the extra hours excitedly!

Even though I am working instead of enjoying the fall day I am in a great mood! And with nothing really exciting to write about I have decided to just cover a few random topics about myself!

I love to read!!! I wish I could say I read intellectually challenging, mind stimulating, best sellers. But usually this is not the case. I'm a sucker for a good chick-lit or mystery novel. Now I do tend to read classics occasionally. And every once awhile a best seller will catch my eye such as Dan Brown or James Patterson. But I really love a book with a great title. Life is so serious I look for a book that will be perhaps light hearted or suspense with comedy. I have found many great reads by just walking around the bookstore and waiting for something to jump out at me. The first time I did this I was in college and roaming the store when I see book titled: How To Murder A Millionaire ~ It called to me and ever since I have been a HUGE Nancy Martin Fan. Some of my other favorites include: Sophie Kinsella, Leeann Sweeny, Victoria Laurie (just finished her new book and it was great!), Lauren Weisberger, Jennifer Sturman, and Kyra Davis (how can you not love a book titled: Sex, Murder, and Double Latte??) My list could go on and on!! The root of my love for books and mysteries stems back to Nancy Drew. As young girl I loved going on adventures with Nancy, Bess, and George!

Other random facts:
  1. I have athrities in my hips from High School sports injuries and I use this as an excuse to take a bubble bath every night before I go to bed (yes it really does help).
  2. I learned how to ride a horse before I learned how to walk.
  3. I talk to Hyper and really believe that she understands me.
  4. I love music!! Especially a song you can really relate to your life. Right now I particullry like Christina Aguilera's new song Keeps Getting Better.

  5. I am an only child.
  6. My cellphone is with me at all times and I can be a drunk texter.
  7. I love all animals and nothing pisses me off more than people who abuse them.
  8. I barrel race.

  9. I hope to travel the world someday!!

  10. I eat cereal without milk.

  11. Dr. Pepper is my weakness ~ can't live without it.

  12. I have had 3 major loves in my life.

  13. My favorite TV shows are: The Hills, Women's Murder Club (wish they'd have brought it back for 2nd season), Lipstick Jungle, Desperate Housewives, Friends, House, Sex and the City, Samantha Who........ and I'm sure there are others........ oh yeah I love Top Chef (even though I can't cook) and the tom-boy in me loves Top Gear!

  14. I can't cook ~ I attempt to cook.
  15. I'm am scared of snakes.

  16. I am short but I prefer to think of it as funsized.

  17. I am always right. Seriously.
  18. I can drive a 5 speed.

  19. I believe in ghosts/spirits.

  20. I don't beleive in love at first sight.
Feel like you know me better :) Well hope every one has a great weekend! I'm going to grab lunch with Vivi, then few more hours of work and I'll be heading to Giggle's to watch the game!

"I'm good at crossword puzzles, I'm not so good at people puzzles."
~ Carrie, SATC ~


Vivi said...

Lunch was great! And go my team! ;)

Anonymous said...

I love Sophie Kinsella books - she is great-i cant wait for the movie!! And where my cell phone is you wil find me ha ha!!
Have a great weekend!

kyradavis said...

I think you should add "Have fabulous taste" to your list of attributes ;D

Glad you enjoyed my book!

phoebe said...

i love chick lit books too. i *think* i have a small addiction to haha. i'll have to check out some of the books you listed.
hope you had a nice weekend!