Saturday, November 15, 2008


Today I'm surprisingly upbeat. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I arrived at work this morning still feeling down and out but seeing as its Saturday, and I have nothing really to do at work, I started readying previous posts. They reminded me of how far I've come and how much stronger I am now as a person. Some posts made me sad and some made me laugh. But I realized even though I am sad at the loss of X I will be ok. And I was reminded of several of the jerk stunts he has pulled during all of this. Heck he would be lucky to have me, not the other way around. Ok perhaps I am a little bitter, but I think I have earned that right.

Tonight I really want nothing more than to go home and lay around in my comfy sweats, but my friends are not allowing that. For my friend Punk-Rock-Chick's Birthday we are going out. Now Punk-Rock-Chick is a girl I used to work with at the old job (same one I worked at with X) and we have remained close. So she tells me she is not letting me go home and sulk, that I am going out. And we are going south to a club. So when I get off work I'm meeting Giggles and we heading to my house to get ready. Hopefully it will be a fun a night. I think it will be good to get out. I just wish moving on wasn't so hard....

“Watching you walk out of my life does not make me bitter or cynical about love. But rather makes me realize that if I wanted so much to be with the wrong person how beautiful it will be when the right one comes along.”

~ Unknown ~


Joe said...

It is a great thing to have friends. An although of course no one can tell you how you should feel or what you should do; I will say that from reading just about everything you've posted in this blog I can agree with you in saying that you have grown and overcome a lot. And honestly your blog has helped me grow as well. Over the weekend the all the men of my church were aked to go on a men's retreat. It was empowering and all the men got a chance to learn what it means to be a Godly Christian Man. I also learned that being Single doesn't mean being alone, but single means that we are or have to work to be unique, a separate individual, and whole. That's where we have to work towards in our state of Singleness. I don't know if you believe in Jesus Christ, but I do and I'm praying that He will help you to overcome your hurt and walk with your head held high. Thank you for being so open and honest.

Unwritten said...

I love the quote at the end. I tried so hard to make things work with my X and it was all in vain. Now I can't seem to do the same for anyone else. I run before it even starts. However I'm hoping I too can one day fight for the right person.